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Blog 10 - Essential oils for stress

Essential Oils For Stress

Feelings of stress are inevitable. Whether it’s global events that are getting you down, personal relationships or worries about the future, essential oils are with you every step of the way. Stress is actually your body’s physiological response to something perceived to be threatening or dangerous. During this response, your body is being mobilised to fight and stress hormones are being released. However, chronic stress can damage your brain and impair physical function over the long term.

So what can we do to manage stress? Lifestyle changes are the first step. When organising your time, make sure you have set daily goals and have some sort of down-time scheduled for yourself. Exercise not only releases feel-good hormones, but also distracts you from your worries. Try to keep to a consistent sleep schedule so your mind and body are well rested each night. Also make sure that you’re eating balanced, nutritious meals and reducing caffeine and sugar consumption.

Essential oils can play an important role in your stress management journey. Use them in your downtime, with exercise, or at times you’re feeling especially stressed. You can apply them topically (diluted) on pressure points, make a room spray, or diffuse them in your home. You could also treat yourself to an aromatherapy bath at the end of a long day. 

Acacia Aromatherapy’s Stress Less Wellness Set is designed to help you relax and ease tension anywhere, with a roll-on, room spray and diffuser blend included. Here are some of our favourite stress blends you can make at home:

Stay calm

Clary sage 2
Sweet orange 2
Lavender 2

Walk in the Park

Grapefruit 3
Geranium 2
Rosemary 1

Things are Looking Up

Clary sage 3
Lemon 2
Lavender 1

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