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Blog 16 - let's look at lemon

Let’s Look At Lemon

Lemon oil is one of the most versatile essential oils and is often considered a must-have in your basic care kit. Not only is its fresh scent pleasant and popular among many, lemon has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Lemon can eliminate odours in your home and renew the atmosphere with a clean and positive energy.

Like most citrus oils, lemon oil is extracted with cold expression, in which the lemon rinds are pressed mechanically. It takes an estimated 50 lemons to fill a 10mL essential oil bottle.

Lemon blends well with most other oils, adding a tangy uplifting note to the overall scent profile. Its properties include aiding focus and concentration, refreshing the mind and relieving tension. In addition, lemon can help you overcome mental fatigue and clear the mind. Lemon also incites a spiritual cleansing, complementing meditation and yoga.  To enhance lemon’s energising effects, blend with other citrus oils such as grapefruit, sweet orange, lime or bergamot.

Here are some of our favourite lemon blends:

Positive Vibes

Lemon 5
Grapefruit 2
Geranium 1


Lemon 2
Lavender 2
Cedarwood 2


Lemon 2
Lime 2
Sweet orange 2

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