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Blog 27 - maximise productivity

Maximise Productivity at Home

Adjusting to working at home can be made a lot easier with essential oils. It’s hard to suddenly change your home into an office when the two environments are just so different. With distractions in your home office such as your phone, bored children or even the fridge, it’s often difficult to set your mind to a task. Certain essential oils can increase mental concentration and dispel fatigue. Simply add a few drops to your ultrasonic diffuser in the morning to maximise productivity. Here are some of our favourites:

Crafted specifically to promote sharper thinking and mental clarity, this blend is also available in roll-on form for easy application. Excite your sense with tangy lemon mellowed by herbal rosemary and sage. Tune out any distractions with this targeted, invigorating fusion.

Ideal for when you’re feeling burnt out and simply out of energy, the Rejuvenate blend will revitalise your mind with citric mandarin and bergamot, complemented by pleasant notes of lemongrass. Enjoy a fresh burst of energy when inhaling this fragrant blend.

Purify your workspace with mild cedarwood lifted by sharper tones of peppermint and rosemary. This Certified Organic blend is designed to help you adopt a clearer frame of mind and prevent procrastination.


Blend your own

Alternatively, blend your own energising blend with single note oils. Choose oils that target your unique needs and fragrance preferences. It’s super easy to customise fragrances with an ultrasonic diffuser! Some of our favourite refreshing oils include:

Stay safe and stay productive in these difficult times.

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