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blog 26 staying positive

Staying Positive in Lockdown

At a time when the future seems so uncertain and we can’t do some of the things we most enjoy in the present, we can become overwhelmed. Remember that we will pull through and emerge stronger than before.  Here is a reminder that you’re doing a good job and that even small accomplishments each day are worthy of acknowledgment.

It is always a struggle to stay positive and not be dragged down by negative thoughts. Here are some easy things you can fit into your day to bring some extra joy.

  1. Get some well-deserved rest. Make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night to keep your mind and body healthy.
  2. Stay active! Try some at home workouts if you need to stay in. Exercise is proven to improve your mood and release feel good chemicals.
  3. Play some tunes! Sing along to your favourite songs and get lost in the music. Listening to music can actually increase dopamine levels.
  4. What are you grateful for? Keeping note of the things in life that make you happy, no matter how little they seem, can improve your mindset.
  5. Show your appreciation. Focus on the positive side of things and shine that positivity outwards! Don’t be afraid to pay someone a compliment or let them know how much they mean to you.
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